The perfect present
I would be delighted to discuss without obligation a commission and you can find all my details on the contact page. Below are some of the things you might like to consider before you make up your mind.

What would you like to say? Are you a budding poet and would like me to use your original work? Or a romantic and would like a declaration of love immortalised forever in beads? Perhaps your favourite poem, psalm or words of wisdom?

I can source beads in any colour you like. If it is intended for a particular room I can concoct a colourway to blend with your interior design, just let me have photos of the room in questions. I could use your favourite colour, school house or university colours or even your football teams colours, the possibilities are endless.

You could supply me with an item of sentimental importance to you or pertinent to text. Alternatively, I can find something pretty or make a central flower that compliments your colour schemes or prose. Examples of central objects have been a commission I did ‘High Flight’ by John Magee was sewn around an RAF uniform button. ‘A Fathers Advice to his Son’ was sewn around the end of a used cartridge and a love poem was sewn around a pound coin showing a dragon for the romantic Welshman who commissioned it.
Hover over each of the squares to find out the different types of finish each piece of artwork can have.

Whilst I am happy to arrange framing for the end product, please be aware that my local framer is always busy and this can add a substantial amount of waiting time for your order. If you would prefer, I can send you the finished piece mounted and ready to take to your local framer.